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Miles’s Story


A very talented runner who came to us after a plague of achilles issues and back pain. Fed up with the endless cycle of injury treatment, which although provided temporary relief, was expensive, painful and short term.

Miles knew that he had to find a long term solution if he was to get back to performing at his best and enjoying his running again.

Through his dedicated approach and open mindset, we worked on a strength and conditioning program that identified his deficiencies, retrained his loading patterns and improved his movement efficiency.

Miles shares his journey through pain, injury and rehab and how he's noticed a new level of strength that enables him to turn up session after session with confidence.



When Miles initially came to us…


  • Lower back pain

  • Chronic Bilateral achilles pain


  • Accepting that he might have to live with a limited capacity for training and unable to perform below his desired goals


What we identified

Through our screening & testing phases…


  • Squat range of movement (although painful when loaded)

  • Ankle mobility

  • Broad jump > Bodyheight

  • Single Leg squat comfortably hitting SFE standards


  • Pain when squatting 

  • Posterior chain strength: Left hamstring 21/30 Right 30/30 (dominating with quads)

  • Reduced calf strength/endurance 26 Left and Right

  • Limited Deadlift due to Lower Back Pain

  • Run gait//tight and guarded 


Other Contributing Factors

What else needed addressing…

s4c training shoot-219.jpg



  • Accountability with strength and conditioning 

  • Education on energy management and recovery

  • Progressivce strengthening of posterior chain and loading of squat/deadlift patterns 

  • Managing symptoms and training load

  • Linking S&C to run gait 

I came to Kriss after my physio told me the only way to avoid a relapse of chronic achilles tendinopathy and to compete again at a high level was to get super strong in the gym. At the beginning of the initial programme, I was struggling to back squat or deadlift without lower back pain. Now 3 months later I am squatting and deadlifting more than my own bodyweight, the lower back pain is gone and my body feels better than ever. Most importantly, I feel confident again building up my running volume and intensity. Thank you Kriss!
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Challenges along the way

The journey is never linear…

Front squats and sumo deadlifts both feeling really good, body familiar with the movements now so genuinely looking forward to each session and having fun with it. Main challenge is managing energy/fatigue with reintroduction of more volume and intensity. Settling into a pattern of 1 easy week out of every 4 (end of 3rd hard week consistently seems to be when I start feeling irritable and not looking forward to training)


Where Miles is today…

Sept 23: Dragon’s Back Race Completion

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