Weekly Planner - How to effectively integrate strength training into your week
Join us as we break down your training program and troubleshoot the key areas where you struggle, lose consistency or potentially plateau in results.
Having the the right program with the right exercises isn’t enough, you need to understand how to adapt on a weekly, monthly basis to ensure long term consistency and long lasting results.
Periodisation - What does your year look like?
Join us as we will be looking at your year and discussing how to ‘periodise’ your training.
So that you can not only optimise your training but understand the difference between muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength/power training but also how to train all of them effectively!
Strength Training on the Go
We will be looking at how you can optimise your training ‘on the go!’ And give you the confidence to train effectively wherever you are and with minimal equipment.
So if you are travelling on holiday or with work or find yourself in a new gym or training environment - we will be highlighting the key tips and tricks to staying on point with your training no matter what!
When to Strength Train?
Optimise the benefits of strength training by getting your timing right!
Training throughout the Year