habit building series


Habit Building Series

Welcome to the Habit Building Series

We will be walking you through some of our best methods, behaviours and routines to be improving all aspects of your health and training lifestyle

Listen and read through each of the individual training lifestyle areas and find out how to optimise key aspects that resonate with you

Download your copy below:

SFE S&C Habit Builder PDF

mobility & mechanics

SFE Habit Building Series - Episode 1 - Mobility & Mechanics

Join Kriss for episode 1 of our Habit Building series, where he goes through some of the key habits and routines that you can be installing into your training lifestyle to improve your overall mobility and movement mechanics

Any questions let us know

prioritise key exercises

SFE Habit Building Series - Episode 2 - Prioritise Key Exercises

Join us for episode 2 of our Habit Building series as we discuss how to prioritise the key exercises when you are time poor or when you don not have the ideal training environment

This is a reality of any training program, as we all live busy lives, but its your ability to pivot and maintain consistency that will keep you seeing the results you desire

Any questions just ask

coaching non-negotiables

SFE Habit Building Series - Episode 3 - Coaching Non-Negotiables

Join us for episode 3 of our Habit Building series as we discuss the key coaching cues, mantras and mindsets that we want you to have for every session.

We always prioritise these every session - continuous pursuit of great technique, range of motion, stability & control through exercise, how you land, what’s your inner dialogue/coach say.

Any questions just ask

nutrition & Health

SFE Habit Building Series - Episode 4 - Nutrition & Health

Join us for episode 4 of our Habit Building series as we discuss the key coaching cues, mantras and mindsets that we want you to have for every session.

We always prioritise these every session - continuous pursuit of great technique, range of motion, stability & control through exercise, how you land, what’s your inner dialogue/coach say.

Any questions just ask

SFE S&C Habit Builder PDF