Program Consistency


Welcome to our accountability series, focussed on keeping you on track with your training program and getting your best results.

Work you way through these short, bitesize episodes which are designed to keep you accountable to a short task or thought for you to consider towards your own training.

Any questions around any of these just ask

Review your weekly training structure

Maintaining a Consistent Training Program - Accountability Series - Episode 1

Review your Weekly Structure

Are you training at optimal times of the day for you?

Are there any adjustments you could make to benefit you?

Staying present in every training session will allow you to train more effectively

Mapping out your training calendar

Maintaining a Consistent Training Program - Accountability Series - Episode 2

The importance of having a plan - map put your events for the year ahead

Do you need any guidance on what events to enter this year?

What are the main considerations?

Allow yourself adequate recovery

Maintaining a Consistent Training Program - Accountability Series - Episode 3

Ask yourself - how much recovery time do you need after your specific training sessions?

How hard was that session? Do you need more recovery than usual?

If you are unsure how to quantify this, then let us know and we can discuss more

record your training results

Maintaining a Consistent Training Program - Accountability Series - Episode 4

Lets look to record your results or feedback either on Truecoach or Training Peaks

The value of us reviewing these notes together at a later date can very effective

Any questions just ask