Get unstuck quick!…
Don’t forget the quickest way to get your questions answered is via the Private Facebook Training Group.
This is a great way to hear from other athletes also on the program, get coach support and also to stay accountable and motivated towards your training.
Getting set-up
SFE March Live Q&A Session - Wednesday 27th March 2024
Join SFE Coaches, Sophie Tabor & Dan Dunford for our monthly SFE Q&A session
We answer a number of key training questions that require more depth of explanation, so make sure to to tune in for some great takeaways!
Any questions just let us know!
Weekly Aid Station - Female Health Focus
Topics discussed today:
> Why your should track aspects of your menstrual cycle/birth control cycle or peri-menopause/menopause symptoms?
> A couple of suggested apps to help track this and provide you with more insights on things you can do to optimise training and recovery around hormonal changes.
> Tech/data is just a guide, you must also follow intuition when planning and executing your training.
> Gather data over a number of months to get a proper insight.
SFE Team Q&A - January 2024
Blood markers - what are we looking at?
Whats a realistic and safe time frame to join or start a 100km event?
Experiencing Fatigue?
How to increase the intensity in my program?
How to manage the complexity of a concurrent (strength & endurance) training program?
Live Q&A
Join Kriss & other coaching staff as they answer your most difficult & complex questions
We want you to submit your questions ahead of time and we will work through them together in the masterclass or you can catch up on the answers afterwards
So join us and keep your momentum moving in the right direction
Live Q&A
1. Left vs right side - why does my stronger side hurt more?
2. No matter my run sessions - slow/talking pace, tempo or speed pace - I do the majority of each session in HR Z4/5. Why is this happening?
3. How important is my technique?
Live Q&A - Female Health Focus
Topics discussed today:
> Why your should track aspects of your menstrual cycle/birth control cycle or peri-menopause/menopause symptoms?
> A couple of suggested apps to help track this and provide you with more insights on things you can do to optimise training and recovery around hormonal changes.
> Tech/data is just a guide, you must also follow intuition when planning and executing your training.
> Gather data over a number of months to get a proper insight.
Live Q&A
Join Kriss & other coaching staff as they answer your most difficult & complex questions
We want you to submit your questions ahead of time and we will work through them together in the masterclass or you can catch up on the answers afterwards
So join us and keep your momentum moving in the right direction
Live Q&A
Join us as we answer your most difficult & complex training questions
Let us know if you have any follow up questions for yourself
Live Q&A
We had slight change to the timetable as Sophie is away this week
Kriss sat down and answered a couple of key questions sent in from you this week
As always let us know your thoughts and if you have any further questions
Live Q&A (Physio Edition)
Join Sophie (SFE Physio) as she looks to answer your most difficult & complex questions in Coaches Corner - Physio Edition - Get all your Training Questions Answered
We want you to submit your questions ahead of time and we will work through them together in the masterclass or you can catch up on the answers afterwards
So join us and keep your momentum moving in the right direction
Live Q&A
Q. Is there an ideal body composition for running?
Q. I really struggle with split squats, and anything that asks me to flex my big toe, any advice to improve
Q. I feel like I am struggling to see progress in some of my bodyweight strength standards, how can I work on these more?
Live Q&A
> How can you improve your nutrition throughout the week?
> Not doing enough recovery?
> Blood work - how often should I look at this?
Live Q&A
1 - Understanding what weight to use when starting a new phase of training
2 - How to understand my tolerances to training better - not sure what I should be looking for and then how to improve?
3 - Pursuing heavy weights, but dont forget the importance of bodyweight strength
Live Q&A
(Run Focussed with SFE Coach Dan Dunford)
Progression isn't always linear and upwards, more stepped progression
Make effective use of off season, identify areas of focus, don't leave until new year.
Timing of sessions, when to do S&C if running same day, hours and days between sessions.
Live Q&A (Physio Edition)
Injury Timelines
Key considerations
Recovering from BSI symptoms
Improving your running mechanics
Live Q&A
We covered:
Specific exercise timelines
Pain or fatigue symptoms post sessions
Toe & Foot Health
Live Q&A
Key Questions covered:
> Breakdown of key aspects of the SFE Training Program
> How to integrate more training into your current weekly timetable?
> What to consider as you progress your R2R or running program?
why strength train?
Why is Strength Training so Beneficial?
Bring purpose and reasoning to your training
How Strong is Strong Enough?
For health….performance….survival?
Dispelling the Myths
Worried about getting bulky, slow, injured?
When to Strength Train during the week?
Optimise the benefits of strength training by getting your timing right!
What equipment do I need?
What equipment do you need to get the best results?
Risk vs Reward
Learning when to say NO!
The Power of Feedback
The importance of feedback in maintaining focus, motivation & seeing results!
More FAQ’S…
+ What do I do next?
Follow the Timeline in the START section
+ What do I do if I feel I need more support?
Leave a message on the Facebook Training Group or work through the Decision Tree. If you still feel like you need help, just reach out however you feel able.
+ What do I do if `I feel I am ready to progress before the end of 12 weeks?
Let's book a call.
+ Am I able to strength train and still do my sport on the same day?
In short, yes. But it depends on a number of things - what the sessions look like, how your body recovers and what your overall training load looks like and this is all part of what you'll learn whilst working with us.
With our help you'll learn how to map out your training week to that you get the most benefit out of every session, whether it be in the pool, on the trail or in the gym.
+ What are our expectations
- With our guidance, fit in 2-3 x 45minute strength sessions a week
- Have the willingness to listen, accept and embrace the changes that need to be made
- Be honest and provide regular feedback, maintaining communication throughout.
- Engage in the extra content and opportunities provided.
All these will be key to optimising your results.
+ When working remotely how do you know if I'm training correctly?
Any good coaching program should follow a logical progression so that your form and movement can be monitored and corrected along the way.
By starting with the basics, you have to earn the right to lift heavy, move fast and run long.
By filming certain exercises, providing feedback on how things feel and asking when you aren’t sure, we can identify errors in technique and program regressions and progressions accordingly, allowing you to train with confidence.
Still stuck?
Use our ‘Decision Tree’ tool to decide what action you need to take…