SFE Strength Training Standards
We have recently updated our SFE Strength Standards, so make sure to download your copy and check to see where you are with your results
Let us know what your biggest takeaways are.
SFE Advanced Bodyweight Strength Standards
We will be sharing with you our new SFE Advanced Bodyweight Standards
You will have run through our current bodyweight standards as part of your initial testing week animist likely re-visited them a couple of times since then too for comparison
However as your coaches, we want to constantly set the bar higher for you and allow you to really discover your true performance potential
Join us as we guide you through the series of advanced mobility and bodyweight strength exercises that will take your strength and conditioning to another level.
Building Strength - How to progress your weight lifting ability
We will answering all of your weight lifting questions - “how much should I lift?” “When should increase my weights?” And many more.
Tune in to level up your weight lifting education.
The SFE Athlete Training Pathway - Step by Step Training Journey
Join us as we will be taking you through your SFE Athlete Training Pathway
This is the full training journey that you are currently working through in your programming
Kriss will be detailing the different phases that you will have already gone through or are yet to get too
Understanding the SFE Athlete Pathway will give you the clarity to double down on your training and allow you to get even better results from your program
Writing your Event/Race report - Get the Most out of your Race or Event Experience
We will be sharing a very powerful framework for reviewing and debriefing your recent races or events.
Developing your ability to evaluate your past performances are going to give your powerful insights into how you can improve your performances in the future
The Ultimate Warm Up Series
One of the most neglected and ignored areas of performance can often be how we prepare to train or compete
Yes we know that this is a critical area to get ourselves mentally and physically prepared for optimal performance
We will be breaking down the most effective and time efficient exercises and routines for you to use forever.
Grip, Feet & Core - How to Train the Big 3 Limiters to Strength
We break down the reasons why you may struggle to continue seeing improvements in your strength because you are held back by your extremities.
Your feet, hands and core all control how much force and control you have have, so learning how to train these areas optimally will also allow you to progress in your sport too.
Imperfect Training - Learn the truths behind this misconception
With so many resources of information its easy to become overwhelmed with trying to chase perfection with your training, whether it be your running form or lifting technique
The fact is that we all need to be embracing a certain level of imperfection if we want to achieve long-term success.
Join us as we discuss and breakdown the key areas that you should be focussing on for continued performance gains.
Athletic Core Training - Learn the Best Ways to Develop a Strong Core for Performance
Join Kriss for a specific 30 day Core strength training challenge, where we will be exploring the best methods for developing an athletic core - one that we support, stabilise and produce the power you need for your sports
Kriss will be guiding you through the key exercises and programs that you can plug’n’play into your own training programs
How to Fail Safely when Lifting Weight
You may not realise this but there is a skill to knowing how to fail well when lifting weight, specific techniques and tricks to avoiding injury when pursuing those heavier results.
So make sure to Join Kriss for this gym training session where he will be walking you through all the necessary techniques and tips
Single Leg Strength 30 Day Challenge
Unilateral or single leg strength is a fundamental area that we have to continuously work on and develop if we are looking to improve your athletic potential
A wide array of injuries and set backs can be attributed to significant weaknesses or imbalances from left to right side
We will be working through our successful 30 day challenge training framework that will allow you to work on this common weakness, with a ‘little & often’ approach.
Exercise Prescription - The why behind the exercises & their order in your programming
Sophie will be breaking down the science and logic behind how and why we prescribe the exercises we do at certain times within your programming.
She will be dispelling a number of common misconceptions that crossover between the physiotherapy and strength & conditioning worlds, and showing you how you can continue to keep getting the best results from your training.
Training Sets - How to manipulate the intensity of your workout
Tune in as we discuss the science and application of using a wide range of ‘training set’ variations in order to manipulate the intensity and effectiveness of your training program
Understanding the intention and techniques of these sets will give you the power to build quicker strength improvements and see quicker results
Exercise Selection & Execution
Join us for this training masterclass as we discuss why we select certain exercises in your programming & how they directly relate to improving your sport performance.
We will be breaking down a number of key exercises and finding out why it’s important to execute their techniques with as much accuracy as possible,.
Gaining this level of understanding within your training is going to allow you to leverage the most benefits from your training sessions.
Glute Dominance - The Best Posterior Chain Exercises
If you are looking for more pain free, strong and long term performance the key is going to be harnessing the strength and power of your posterior chain muscle groups.
We will be literally be dissecting the key exercises, the mechanics and key techniques to developing your glute, hamstring and adductor muscles.
Methods of Training
Strength, Endurance, Hypertrophy, Power training - what’s the difference?
As someone who wants to continually look for improvements in performance it is key to understand how to train and manipulate you program to achieve greater endurance. Listen in as we break down and define the differences and why its important for you to train them all at some point in your program.
Bulletproof Ankles
The most important real estate we have as runners or athletes are our feet and lower leg.
They are the first point of contact, carry us and support us everywhere we go and it should be a priority to make sure they are the strongest part of us.
Join Kriss practical run through and live Q &A where he’ll be taking you through a specific strength program to build stability, reinforce strength and bring in low level plyometric drills.
Endurance Metcon Workouts - Learn the best high intensity & conditioning sessions for your program
One of the most common problems we see is how to prescribe extra cardio or conditioning training into an already busy endurance program
Join us as we walk you through the most effective methods for developing your anaerobic and aerobic conditioning, without negatively impacting your current training.
Strength Training on the Go
We will be looking at how you can optimise your training ‘on the go!’ And give you the confidence to train effectively wherever you are and with minimal equipment.
So if you are travelling on holiday or with work or find yourself in a new gym or training environment - we will be highlighting the key tips and tricks to staying on point with your training no matter what!
Periodisation - What does your year look like?
Join us as we will be looking at your year and discussing how to ‘periodise’ your training.
So that you can not only optimise your training but understand the difference between muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength/power training but also how to train all of them effectively!
Live S&C Training Session - Full Body Focus
Join Kriss for a full body S&C session that you can join LIVE, training side by side.
We’ll be focusing on exercises that will support your current programming, reinforcing technique and coaching cues around exercises that many of you will be familiar with, but also introducing you to a few new movements that’ll bullet-proof your performance.
Posterior Chain Focus - Live S&C Training Session
Join Kriss for a full body S&C session that focusses on developing your posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings and back)
So make sure to tune in, to reinforce your techniques and ensure you’re getting the most of your training program.
Max Lifting Calculator - How to calculate your maximal weights
In this masterclass, Kriss will be introducing you to our new training tool - the Max Lifting Calculator
Kriss will be detailing how you can use this in your own programming and also explaining why its so important to be working towards these maximal values in your training program
Max Lifting Calculator (Create your own copy for continued & private usage)
Max Strength Masterclass - Live walk through of how to build to a maximal lift
Progressing your weights in the gym or at home can understandably bring with it some anxiety or uncertainty. But with a smart, logical approach progressing the weights you’re using will transform your training and performance.
This masterclass will guide you on how to safely work towards lifting heavier weights - highlighting a step by step method to ensure you can safely lift your maximal weight without fear of injury.
Run Specific S&C Session
Join us for a full body S&C session.
We’ll be focusing on Run Specific Strength, reinforcing technique and coaching cues around exercises that you may be familiar with, but also introducing you to a few new movements that’ll bullet-proof your run performance.
Event Taper Masterclass
Whether you are building towards a race, peak or test period in your performance knowing how to dial things back, prepare and ensure optimal readiness is key for the best chance of a successful result.
As well as discussing the considerations, what to do practically and the mistakes to avoid in the lead up to an event we’ll talk about recovery post event and how to get back into training after your goal race.
Mobility Masterclass
We all have keys areas that always seem to tighten up or limit our movement and that when un-addressed can lead to injuries and hold us back in terms of our performance.
But when we know how to manage these areas it’s much easier to keep on top of and ultimately prevent.
In this session we’ll work through some mobility techniques and drills to troubleshoot common problem areas such as your upper thoracic, hips and ankles.
Giving you pro-active tools that'll complement your current program and optimise your overall training and performance.
Olympic Lifting Masterclass
Daunted by the thought of ‘Olympic Lifts’ in your program?
Join Kriss as he breaks down the complexity of the key Olympic Lifts and shows you how you can perform them at home or your gym setup.
Why is Olympic Lifting relevant for you?…Static strength is one thing but we need to learn how to apply your strength dynamically to enable a translation across into your sport.
Regardless of where you're at in your training journey, understanding why and how we do certain things will only increase the effectiveness of our training.
Hamstring Masterclass
Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back - three key areas of your posterior chain that MUST be strong if you want to move well and remain pain free, especially if you are struggling with lower limb injuries or niggles. Kriss takes you through key Hamstring exercises from your programming demonstrating variations, progressions/regressions and important coaching cues.
Are there any hamstring exercises you struggle with? Not sure whether you're working your hamstrings or glutes? Join us and find out more.
Below the Knee Masterclass
Probably one of the biggest problem areas in terms of running injuries; calf strains, achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis.
In this Masterclass we’ll be going through some of the key exercises and drills that you’ll find in your programming to develop your stability, strength and ‘spring’ in key areas below your knees.
“Down Hill Quads” - Building Stronger Quadriceps & Resilient Knees
Running downhill should not be something your fear but instead look forward too. Join us as we go through the essential strength exercises that will help you develop strong quads and resilient legs.
You will leave the session knowing what exercises are best and how they should be performed so that you can take this knowledge into your own training program.
Core Masterclass
Part 1 - Theory
Part 2 - Practical
You all know by now that 'Core' means way more than ‘having a six pack’.
In fact a strong, stable core will transfer across into your performance, connect your upper and lower body for optimal efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.
You'll all have core exercises that you're working on in your individual programming but we want to make sure you’re doing it right and getting maximum benefit.
In this Masterclass Kriss will look at technique, progressions/regressions and the importance of control.
Conquer the Chin Up 30 Day Strength Challenge
Is the chin up/pull up an exercise that you fear or really wish you could do? To support your programming we’re kicking off the new month with our ‘Chin Up Challenge’. Kriss will show you where to begin, how to progress and his top tips to really help you master this exercise
Chin Up 30 Day Strength Challenge Program - Level 1 (Beginner)
Chin Up 30 Day Strength Challenge Program - Level 2 (can do 1 or more)
Conquer Your Push Up - 30 Day Strength Challenge
If you are struggling with your push ups, or are looking to improve them then use this 30 day progressive strength program. No longer than 10mins a day. Watch as we explain how and get ready to get stuck in!
Athletic Core Training
A specific 30 day core strength training challenge, where we explore the best methods for developing an athletic core - one that will support, stabilise and produce the power you need for your sports.
Warm Up - The Essentials
We walk you through key mobility and activation routines that are specifically designed to prepare you for your heavier or more complex lifts. These short routines will be a great addition to your programming but also give you the confidence to make more progress and see more significant results: