Whilst waiting for our consultation call, I wanted to take this opportunity to get you started with some first steps on your training journey with us.

Below are a number of complimentary masterclasses, that will get you thinking about where you’re currently at and what you might need to start considering to improve your overall health and performance.

So give the sessions a watch and even make some notes, there could be some great discussion points here for our upcoming call.

Mobility Masterclass

We all have keys areas that always seem to tighten up or limit our movement and that when un-addressed can lead to injuries and hold us back in terms of our performance.

But when we know how to manage these areas it’s much easier to keep on top of and ultimately prevent.

In this session we’ll work through some mobility techniques and drills to troubleshoot common problem areas such as your upper thoracic, hips and ankles.

Giving you pro-active tools that'll complement your current program and optimise your overall training and performance.

Shoulder Mobility Program

Hip & Back Mobility Program

Bombproof your Body - Bone Density Masterclass

Issues with bone density are much more common than you think and something that we should all respect and consider within our training as we are all at potential risk.

But we shouldn’t fear the issue or our ability to train, as long as we follow the right approach.

This session will look at current methods of proven practise and their practical applications, giving you the confidence and reassurance that you are being proactive and smart in your approach.

Periodisation - What does your year look like?

Join us as we look at your year ahead and discuss how to ‘periodise’ your training.

Not only will this help to optimise your results but also gain an understanding of the difference between muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength/power training and how to train all of them effectively alongside your other training.

Annual Training Program PDF Download

Core Masterclass (Theory)

Hopefully you know by now that 'Core' means way more than ‘having a six pack’.

In fact a strong, stable core will transfer across into your performance, connect your upper and lower body for optimal efficiency and reduce the risk of injury.

Let’s look at how it all comes together.